
What is the Download page?

The downloads page is the downloads area where you can find all your Downloads. When you purchase an item it will be added to your downloads (purchased, free or from membershi, Whenever you purchase an item or add a free item to your downloads (by clicking Download on the item details page).

You can also add items to your downloads page if you are a member of a certain seller. This means that you have a paid subscription of a certain seller. This seller then can activate items for his paying members and let the download these items for free. You can learn more about subscriptions under Buying > Subscriptions


{primary} The downloads page holds are your purchased or added downloads.
You can also find and print your invoices there (or create a Invoice PDF).

Types of Downloads

There are a three types of downloads.

1. Purchased Items (no tag)

These are normal items which you bought. They have no specific tag shown to you.

2. Free Items Free

Free items can be added to your Downloads page by clicking "Download" on a items detail page. They are marked with a green label ("Free").

3. Member Items Member

Items which you added to your downloads page from a seller which you are a member off, then they are marked with a purple "Member" tag. Each seller can decide which items are included in his membership. These items are also marked with a "Free for Members" tag.


Print Invoice

You can print your invoice in your downloads area. Simply click on the button "Print Invoice". Your printer should also show you the option to create a PDF Invoice. So you can either print your invoice or save it as a PDF file to your computer.
