Buying an item


To buy a digital item to download you simply add it to cart.

For some items you can choose different Licenses. For example for Stock Music you can choose different Licenses to suit your project and needs. You can find more about Licenses under Licenses.

Some items can be included in memberships if they are offered in a seller subscription. img

{primary.fa-download} Choose a license (if multiple licenses are available) and click add to cart to purchase an item. The item will appear in your downloads after purchase.

If you buy Beats you can add additional files to your main file such as Stems or Multitracks and later download them from your download page by clicking the download button. A dropdown button will open and show you all files that are included in your order.

img If a seller offers additional files then a popup window will open and let's you select the additional files for a Beatto add to your order.


At the checkout you might see two recipients. Because Roqstar offers direct payments to their sellers with free plans you will see two recipients as Roqstar takes a commission for storing files, download costs .

img Step 1: Check

img Step 2: Choose payment option

img Step 3: Regular payment without commission

img This is how a payment with a commission looks. For you as a buyer nothing changes. Total price stays the same.

{primary.fa-user-plus} You might see two recipients at the payment provider because free sellers pay a commission to us for our service.

Download after purchase

After you successfully purchased the item you can download it in your account under the Downloads section.


{primary.fa-envelope} Download the item after the purchase in your account.

Download additional files after purchase

If you purchased Beats and bought additional files to your main file such as Stems or Multitracks you can download them from your download page by clicking the download button. A dropdown button will open and show you all files that are included in your order.


{primary.fa-download} If you bought Beats with Stems or Multitracks you can download them with the same download button.

Here is an example of an order which purchased additional files. In this case only "Stem" files were ordered so they appear in the download dropdown. You can also see the License (highlighted in yellow) which was bought in order to use the Beat for a certain purpose. A small tag (green Stem tag on the left) shows you what additional files were purchased in your order.



After you bought an item and started to use it, you can rate the item. Leaving a positive review when you like the item helps the seller greatly. They will love you for it and it only takes a couple seconds.


{primary.fa-envelope} Rate an item after you bought it, you support the seller greatly.